What can procrastination teach you?

What can procrastination teach you?

Procrastination is such a loaded word, yet it seems to be an incredibly common issue. Its impact ranges from mild to severe, but it safe to assume that almost everybody procrastinated at some point.

Because procrastination is one of those one-size-fits-all words — it conceals the complexity and reasons behind it, but also what we can learn from it.

So let's delve deeper!

1. Understanding your brain

Daniel Kahneman, describes in his book; Thinking, Fast and Slow — the two ways we think and react. System 1 is fast, automatic and frequent. It's tying your shoelaces, driving a car — you do it automatically without giving it a second thought. System 2 is slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious. It is most evident when you learn something new, have to develop, design, or start something from scratch. The brain has to work harder when it operates in System 2. More synapses, more neurotransmitters, more energy required.

It is, therefore, no surprise that our brains love what is familiar, it is the natural default.

If you understand this, you can learn to dialogue with yourself. When you start something that will need Systems 2 thinking, tell yourself: I want to do this, I am going to do this, I need to do this…

It will make your brain more receptive to System 2 thinking and might just prevent that automatic click to some task-avoidance and mindless social media scrolling!

2.  Low confidence

Low confidence, not believing in yourself and fear of failure - the dubious threesome that is possibly the most notable reasons why people procrastinate.

Throughout human evolution, making connections and being accepted by our tribe has been critical to our survival. We fear rejection because a few hundred years ago, being rejected meant no access to food, water and shelter. Our modern lives have changed dramatically, but our brains are still hard at work to help us survive, to make connections, to avoid rejection.

Your brain’s reasoning might go something like this: “If we do this thing, and we fail, we will be rejected, and being rejected means death, so it is safer not to do this thing, because then we wont to be rejected.”

You might not realise it, but you constantly giving your subconscious mind messages. “I can't do this, I should not do this, I can't remember this, it is going to fail…”

Your subconscious mind listens and it creates that reality for you. But if you start self-talking in a positive way, your subconscious mind will create a positive reality for you.

A good place to start is with daily affirmations and constant positive self-talk. Work on your confidence — daily affirmations, hypnotherapy, coaching - it is about stepping out of your limiting beliefs, one step at a time.

3.  Feeling overwhelmed

Our modern lives are filled to the brim with responsibilities — at home, at work and in the community. If you objectively consider your ‘to do’, you might understand why you feel overwhelmed. Too much to do, too little time.

Feeling overwhelmed is like that rubble heap that just gets bigger and bigger. Eventually, it paralyses you, feeling overwhelmed and procrastinating is your inner self telling you there is too much.

Give yourself time boxes to action things. Give yourself a high-five if you accomplished something. Break tasks down into smaller parts - ask yourself what is the next 5 minute task, and do it.

Understanding how procrastination can serve you?

Procrastinating is your inner self sending you a message, an important message. Instead of just pushing ahead or shutting it down, take a moment, and listen.

  • When you notice you are procrastinating…
  • Close your eyes, take three deep breaths…I mean really deep…
  • Ask yourself “Why I am procrastinating, why am I putting this off…”
  • Wait for the answer…
  • Then ask yourself: “I feel this way because…”
  • “If I continue to put this off, the result will be…..”
  • You will get the answer and can then decide what to do next.

Procrastination can be an interesting teacher. It could serve you to make better decisions. If you understand what sits behind it, you might find a way around it and not just push on regardless. Procrastination might even be a way to protect yourself. Be in tune, you will find a way around it.

For some practical time management tips, contact Pam Miller: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pa...
